Mar 10, 2025
CHM 202 - General Chemistry II Min Credits: 5 Max Credits: 1 recitation
A continuation of CHM 201 , this is the second part of a two-semester general chemistry program. Topics covered include a detailed treatment of states of matter, intermolecular forces, and the properties of solutions. Chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium (including those of acid-base systems, complex ions and coordination compounds) and chemical thermodynamics are covered as well. Students are also introduced ;to electrochemistry, nuclear chemistry, and the chemistry of selected elements and materials (including polymers and organic substances). Lab work reinforces basic principles, supplements lectures, and emphasizes analytical techniques Transfer Assurance Guide (TAG) approved effective spring 2011 (OSC009 - General Chemistry II).
Lecture: 3 Lab: 3 Prerequisite(s): CHM 201 and MTH 109 with a grade of “C” or better or instructors permission
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