Mar 10, 2025
EET 121 - DC Circuits Min Credits: 3
In this course the student will learn the fundamental principles of electricity with emphasis on DC (direct current) circuits. The concepts of Ohm’s Law, the Power Formula, and Kirchoff’s Laws will be applied to series, parallel, and series-parallel circuits. Electrical quantities will be defined and the behavior of resistors, inductors, and capacitors under DC conditions will be studied. Complex circuits will be analyzed using the theorems of superposition, and Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits. The relationship between electricity and magnetism will also be introduced. These topics will be learned through text, presentations, various exercises, and hands-on labs. Transfer Assurance Guide (TAG) approved effective fall 2012 (OET001 - DC Circuits).
Lecture: 2 Lab: 3 Prerequisite(s): MTH 090
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